

How to motivate yourself to workout when you really don’t feel like it

We have all been there, deciding to make exercise a part of our life. We want to loose fat, build muscle tone and look and feel better. So we start working out, only to find ourselves unmotivated to continue, almost as quickly as we started. How do we change this? How do we stay committed and motivated, and ultimately make

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Mental Health Importance

Our mental health is as important as our physical health.  I read that children 3-17 are increasingly being treated for depression and anxiety.  When you read something like this, you think WHY?  Is it screen time, social media, lack of physical activity….??  I am sure that it is not a simple answer. The article Children, Intuitive Knowledge and Philosophy by Dr.

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We have all wondered at one time or another, which is better for weight loss and overall health.  Should our workout solely focus on cardio or on weight training?  If you search the internet, you will find countless articles supporting the benefits of each.  So, what is correct?  Have you asked a fitness or medical professional?  Sometimes it leaves you even

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2020 Fitness Trends

The American College of Sports Medicine for the last 14 years has created, collected and supplied the results found to determine fitness trends worldwide. They deem a “Fad” to be something that is taken with great enthusiasm for only a brief time, but a “Trend” develops and changes the way people behave long term. You can read more about this

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